issue 2

Koukash Review


Rubble: poem for turkey/syria

Bayan Founas

                                                                      hours later 
                                                            and rescue workers 
                                     are still           pulling survivors out the                           rubble
                                     a 10-day old baby blinking     back his big blue eyes 
                                        batting dusty lashes    allahu akbar / god is great
                             a pregnant mother and her son           clutching          one another 
                                   from the same broken bed      allahu akbar / god is great
                      a family of 3     separated     by 10 feet of stone     allahu akbar / god is great
                                  a baby is born under the rubble        allahu akbar / god is great
                ululations of      allahu akbar      vibrate across the      rubble and the             world
      miracles of survival     are testaments to god’s     greatness / his creation and         destruction                   are reminders that there is no            god but allah        and to him we shall                      return                                                                 inna                     lillahi                   wa inna ilayhi                                 raji'un          
6 days later and rescue workers are still       pulling           survivors         out the              rubble
       a 6-month-old         embalmed     in dust     smiling     as he’s pulled from the  
                        a father furiously           pounds       his fists against the     rubble 
             calling frantically for his                                                                     wife and children
     placing his ear on what was once                                                             his home
                                                desperately listening for any sign of             life
                                                                     he pulls a dusted red shoe that fits in his palm 
                                                                    and clutches it against his failing           heart
             and     wails     for     what was to be                    and                         what was no longer
                                               he pounds and beats his fists helplessly against the rubble
                                                                         tears cleansing his dusty face
                     for what’s a man to do when his legacy is wiped off the earth
                                              a man is hopeless when he                                can’t protect his own
                                                                                   his sole promise as         protector
                         his beating and cries get                                 quieter and                 
                                    quieter        like the muffled cries under                rubble
                                                                     getting quieter and quieter

Bayan Founas

Bayan Founas is a high school English teacher and teaching artist in Detroit schools who centers her ateaching methods in culturally responsive and restorative justice pedagogies. Born in Hamtramck, MI to Algerian immigrants, she writes on themes of home, diaspora, belonging, and womanhood. She received her BA and MA from the University of Michigan and a Kresge Gilda Snowden award in Literary Arts. She published two poetry collections: Diary of a Daughter in Diaspora and HERE TO STAY: The Literary Mixtape (paired with a spoken word album). She is published in Brittle Paper. Follow her journey @bayanthepoet and

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