issue 1
Koukash Review
greenhouse fervor
Alexandra Halaby
lazy as this pink snapdragon stretched across
its soaked bed you lay your head over the arm
of the corner chair poised in our sweat our sunlight
your glitter my smeared gloss the string of ants on
the window sill look like a piece of your hair
long obedient oily there’s a missing brick beneath
the latch rust as tough as my callouses and damp
to the touch in this 120 degrees of freedom
my scissors magnificent I grab the flower by its neck lift it
above the wire and cut one of the ants pirouettes
on the plastic eye of your teddy your fuzzy blue octopus
on its head tentacles showering around its body
staring at me like a master in her vision you’re
wearing the same blouse your mom did in this photo
I love that actress the one that reminds you of your uncle
but I don’t know her name
your leather collar open across your pillow like my
legs were hours ago on the bureau there’s
your READY TO TAKE SHIT belt buckle bobby pins
and a pile of your cuticle bits you wore it last time
I saw you with the Tims and baseball hat that was
the summer I met death a third time and died now
sweat shines on my forearms now my veins throb
under this muted plastic like worms when they reach
the top soil fingertips yellow from pollen brown
with dirt dry from fertilizer thumb sliced under
the digit fever, wake me in my sleep and I’ll
swallow your spit lick your lips reach behind
your neck grab hold of your hair
Alexandra Halaby
Alexandra Halaby is a multi-disciplinary artist and coffee roaster.